Looking Back
We are in the 19th year of the Sangre De Cristo Men's Conference and Retreat. Looking back at previous years conferences helps us to remember God's blessing, and to look forward to more to come!
Daily Prayer
Almighty God, please give us eyes of faith that see You and ears of faith that hear Your voice. We need You to teach us how to listen, how to trust, and especially how to obey You. Our world is so busy and noisy, and living intimately with You is difficult. Please forgive us for neglecting You and trivializing Your Kingdom. We want to be effective witnesses for You. We join Samuel the Prophet in saying, "Speak Lord, for Your servants are listening." We want to know You, love You, and share You with others. Please fill us full of Your Spirit and give us the right words to share with others. Amen.
"God leading me back from almost certain death to a full life"